FAQ - Faces Among Us

What is Faces Among Us?

Faces Among Us is an interactive game where you guess whether a displayed face image is of a real person or has been generated by an AI. The goal is to improve your ability to differentiate between AI-generated and real faces.

What are the game modes available in Faces Among Us?

There are two game modes in Faces Among Us: 'Standard mode', where you are presented with 10 images to guess from. 'Survival mode', where you keep guessing until you make a wrong guess.

What happens if I make a wrong guess in Survival mode?

In 'Survival mode', the game ends as soon as you make a wrong guess. Your score will be the number of correct guesses made before the mistake.

What is a meme rank, and how is it determined?

Meme rank is a fun way to measure your performance in the game. The better your score, the higher your meme rank will be. Each rank is associated with a humorous meme image that is displayed at the end of the game.

Can I share my game results?

Yes, you can share your game results on various social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. There's also an option to copy a shareable link to your results that you can paste anywhere.

Is there a leaderboard in Faces Among Us?

Yes, there is a leaderboard where you can compare your scores with other players. Keep playing and improving your scores to climb up the leaderboard!

Is Faces Among Usfree to play?

Yes, Faces Among Us is completely free to play. Enjoy the game and challenge your friends!

How can I get better at distinguishing real faces from AI-generated ones?

Practice makes perfect! The more you play, the better you'll get at recognizing the subtle differences between real and AI-generated faces. Pay close attention to details like hair, background, and skin texture. AI-generated faces may have some irregularities in these areas.